Friedrich Schiller German Language School - Ruse - Projects


School year 2012/2013

 “Globalization in our daily lives” 


From 17th till 20th February 2013 the headmaster of Friedrich Schiller German Language School, Mr. Plamen Ivanov, and the teachers of German – Mrs. Neli Pramatarova and Mrs. Anna Cvetkova, working on the international multilateral project “Globalization in our daily lives” within the sectoral progamme Comenius, one of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programmes, took part in the initial meeting in the town of Gemona del Friuli, Italy. Partners in the project are various schools from Poland, Germany and Italy. The project will be going on for 2 years. What lies ahead are planned visits to each of the participating countries. Students will have the chance to get to know the countries’ cultures, traditions and lifestyle. Participants are between the ages of 16 and 17. Next year the working meeting will be held in Poland.             



“Globalization in our daily lives”

As globalization becomes more and more prevalent in our world thanks to the on-going progress in technology, trade and innovation, students from Friedrich Schiller Secondary German Language School, together with their peers from Poland, Italy and Germany, will have the opportunity to hold discussions and debates on the topic. This becomes possible due to the multilateral project under the title “Globalization in our daily lives”, carried out within the sectoral programme Comenius, one of the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programmes. Students will explore the different dimensions of globalization and how it affects their everyday lives, using German as a working language to communicate their ideas and views, as well as their artistic and computer skills. The project will run for 2 years – from 2012 till 2014, and will include visits to the participating countries – Poland, Italy, Germany and Bulgaria.



School year 2011/2012

Students from Friedrich Schiller German Language School will work together with their peers from the Turkish city of Bursa   

   As far back as August 2011, Friedrich Schiller German Language School, Ruse started working on the the programme “Komenski” related to the programme of the European Commission “Life long learning” – activity “Bilateral partnerships”. The programme is financed by the Bulgarian National Agency. The topic of the project is “The family – past, present and future” and it plans for a partnership with the Vocational School for Tourism in the city of Bursa, Turkey.

   During the period of preparation for the project the partnership began by communication by e-mail between the German speaking teachers of the two parties and a meeting in Turkey. The coordinator of the project is our school and working language is German.
The objective of the project is to analyze the role and significance of family life as over the last couple of decades the place of family in our life has changed a lot. There are existing problems in both countries such as lack of communication between parents and children, lack of tolerance towards different cultures, lack of love and respect between children and parents, loss of sense of responsibility seen both in children and their parents. All this has a negative impact on the view of life of young people. Within the framework of the project joined work with the students is realized while at the same time trying to clarify the importance of family life and its place in society. Managers of this two year project are the Headmaster Mr. Plamen Ivanov and the German language teachers Mrs. Esim Yahya and Mrs. Raisa Petkova. Twelve students are also taking part in the project: Teo Parashkevov – 9 C class, Alexander Peykov – 9 C class. Bogomil Peykov – 9 C class, Alexandra Popova – 10 A class, Iva Ivanova – 10 A class, Joanna Ivanova – 10 A class, Maria Dimova – 10 A class, Merel Beyti – 10 A class, Simona Yonkova – 10 A class, Strahil Dimitrov – 10 A class, Christina Hristova – 11 C class and Victoria Ivanova – 11 C class.

   A course of teaching Turkish language has already started under the guidance of Mrs. Esim Yahya which is part of the working programme of the project. All participants in the course have been inspired by this unknown language and already enjoy the forthcoming learning of Turkish language.

 Students from  Friedrich Schiller German Language School took part in an international project: “Ecology builds bridges. Young Europeans in dialogue” and visited the city of Goepingen, Germany for a third time in a row.
 11th grade students together with their teachers Mrs. Petia Velikova and  Mrs. Siana Mandadjeva visited the German city of Goepingen. The visit was part of an international  project called “Ecology builds bridges”. The participants are representatives from seven different countries. The project is realizes under the auspices of the Presidency of Germany and the DBU foundation.

   The Bulgarian group took part in the initiatives organized by their partner in the project the High School Freihof. In the period 12 October to 19 October participants from five more countries – Ukraine, Italy, Japan, Thailand and France also paid a visit. All of them paid ь visit to the Municipality of the city and receives special greetings by the Mayor as well as from Mr. Ross, Headmaster of High School Freihof. On 16th October everyone took part in the annual ball of the High School. It turns out to be an international event with a lot of appearances by the hosts as well as by the foreign guests.

   Our students and their hosts had the opportunity to visit the Schtorer company. This year the topic for research was related to nanotechnology and its application. The partners in the company Mr. Kurle and Mr. Mayer  acquainted the group with the specifics of the production process and made a presentation about the founding of the company, the partnership with Russian companies for the production of diamond particles and the essence of creation of nano particles, their application and efficiency. Important precaution measures were also pointed out related to environmental protection.
The groups paid a visit to the chemical lab where in real conditions the chemical process for the creation of nano layers was demonstrated. Customers of the company are car manufactures like BMW, Porsche, Mercedes Benz as well as companies like Bosch and racing companies from Formula 1.

   Everyone realized the responsibilities which the company team faced, the necessity for precision and 100 per cent professionalism.

   The students had the task to write an article on the topic which will be published in the newspaper “Trud”.


School year 2010/2011

  In the month of October students from the eleventh grade took part in a project called “Ecology builds bridges”. It is an international project which started during the previous school year. The students together with their teachers Petya Velikova and Siana Mandajieva visited the German city of  Goepingen  in order to continue the partnership with High School Freihof.

The basic topic this year is “The biosphere reserve and the centre for ecology and tourism” in the city of Muensingen. The project presents the participants the nature friendly production of bioproducts and the efficient advertizing in tourism. Upon their return in Bulgaria the students will prepare articles on the topic which will be published in the newspaper “Trud”.



School year 2009/2010

   In the period 3 November – 10 November students from Friedrich Schiller German Language School, Russe participated in the project “Ecology builds bridges – young Europeans in dialogue”

   Our school has been selected as one of the 40 schools from Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Croatia. The project is realized by the German Federal Environment Organization (DBU) the institute IZOP.
The group consists of 16 students from the eleventh Leistungsklass managed by Mrs. Esim Niazi Yahya (teacher of German) and Siana Vesselinova (philosophy teacher).  During their stay in Germany the students were accommodated in the family homes of their partners from High School Freihof in the city of Goepingen, Baden Wuertemberg. All students had the chance to get to know the country and everyday life of people in Germany.   
In connection with the topic about environmental protection they visited the company „Dr. Laure Plazmatechnologie GmbH”, where they acquired deep understanding in the field of new plasma technologies. The participants had the chance to see the practical application of one of the most modern technologies such as:

The plasma method in car building

Coatings in solerothermia

High efficiency plasma method for the production of silicon for solar cells

At the end of their joint work they had the task to write articles which will be published in the newspaper “Trud”. In this way they fulfill their role as messengers of environmental principle and the European idea.


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